Oil bread and jam
For the bread, oil and jam recipe, we recommend using extra virgin olive oil instead of butter, it is very simple and there is no need to change the doses of the other ingredients included in our recipe.
The Butter , a product of animal origin, is made up of 80% fat, of which almost half is saturated fat, the so-called "bad fats". This type of fat, especially if consumed in excessive doses, causes a increase of cholesterol and, in the long run, it can cause the onset of cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, people who have high cholesterol levels or who suffer from certain pathologies are not advised to use fatty products such as butter.
Extra virgin olive oil , on the other hand, contains only 14% saturated fat. This means that the remaining percentage of fat is part of the “good” fatty acids , i.e. those recommended for maintaining normal cholesterol levels and avoiding the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Replacing butter with oil in desserts and savory preparations is useful not only for those who are lactose intolerant and milk proteins, but it is also an optimal choice from a health point of view.
We can replace oil in all recipes, both savory and sweet, you just need to check the conversion percentage between butter and oil in the relevant table you find on Google.
New bread, oil and jam recipe
What we want to do today is to overturn an old myth of the classic "Bread, Butter and Jam" by replacing the butter with Angimbe Natures extra virgin olive oil. I assure you that the result is not bad because the taste on the palate is excellent and you have replaced an unhealthy habit with a very healthy habit. I tried it for fun and never went back.
Bread, butter and jam recipe
Ingredients (2 people):
- slices of bread, 4 (preferably 1 or 2 days old)
- oil, to taste
- jam, to taste
Spread a layer of oil on both sides of the bread slices.
Heat a non-stick pan, place the oiled bread slices in it and brown them for a few minutes, turning them a few times, until they have taken on a slightly golden colour. Remove from the heat. Serve the slices of bread piping hot, accompanying them with the jam or jam of the flavor you prefer.
Your bread with oil and jam is ready to be tasted!