Prendersi cura di se con il bio

Take care of ourself with the bio

Biological farming is a type of agriculture with a low environmental impact that aims to preserve the organic substance of the soil by exploiting the natural fertility of the soil. It is a model that is based on respect for the agricultural ecosystem and the promotion of the biodiversity of cultivated species; it does not use synthetic products, or fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides, derived from the industrial processes, but its only allows the use of plant protection products and fertilisers that contain natural origin substances.

Organic cultivation methods favour an eco-sustainable development system that avoids the overexploitation of natural resources and is consequently long-lasting. 

But that is not all. The main objectives defined by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements include the production of food of high nutritional quality in sufficient quantities: healthy and good, food that safeguards the health of those who eat it and of the environment. A great advantage that biological farming and food have in common.

Biological farming certification is only awarded to the companies, only if their observe a series of rules established in Italy by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policy (MIPAAF) in the production chain.

The sector's operators and individual production phases (from the start of cultivation to final consumption) are subject to the control of special bodies, called Control Bodies, authorised by the MIPAAF to carry out inspections of companies and certify their organic production.

Eating organic, a healthy attitude

Eating organic is good for you. There are numerous scientific studies proving this and endorsing the benefits of organic food.

On average, organic food contains more vitamins, sugars, polyphenols, flavonoids, antioxidants, minerals and dry matter than food from conventional agriculture. In addition, eating organic food significantly reduces the daily intake of nitrates and heavy metals, substances that are harmful to our health.

Eating organic means eating healthy and natural, a lifestyle that benefits in every respect: environmentally, ethically and in terms of personal well-being.

The Angimbe farm has always had among its founding values, the protection of the environment, and the protection of consumer health, and has therefore cultivated its olive groves in a responsible, hence organic way. A few years ago it applied for biological certification and today our labels you can read: from organic farming in order to communicate even better that consuming our oil also means taking care of oneself.

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